Preschool application
Kate Shepard is now accepting applications for their Preschool Peer Model Program. The application period will be open from February 10-February 21. Please review the following requirements for the program.
This program costs approximately $240/month paid in one lump sum at the beginning of each month. To be eligible as a peer model for the program a student must:
-Be 4 years old on or before September 1st  
-NOT have an active Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
-Reside in Shepard Elementary School zone
-Be fully potty-trained
-Have developmentally appropriate language and social skills  
-Have a completed application on file
-Attend the Pre-K screening after contacted by school personnel
Students are chosen for the peer model program based on development. We need students who will be great role models for other students.  
Face-to-face appointments will be set for eligible students to be screened for our program after February 21. We will call those who are eligible to set up a screening appointment by February 28. Students chosen for the program will be notified by mail. Applicants who are eligible for screening must complete a Peer Model Application form at the screening date/time.
Please apply for the Preschool Peer Model Program here:

School Schedule

School Hours

6:30 - 7:45 a.m. ..........Before School Program

7:45 a.m. ....................Duty Personnel report to assigned areas, 1st bell rings

7:45 - 8:00 a.m...............Breakfast served in classrooms

8:00 a.m. ....................Breakfast ends

8:10 a.m. ...................Tardy Bell, late students must be signed in by a parent

2:45 p.m. ....................Dismissal of Regional School Students and PreSchool Students

3:00 p.m. ....................Dismissal

5:30 p.m. ....................After-school Program Closed

(Afterschool program is subject to change during early dismissal days.)

Teachers reserve early mornings for planning. Students are not permitted in the building before 7:45 a.m.

Schoology Parent Access
Family and Community Resources
View Breakfast & Lunch Menus
2024-2025 Uniform Policy
2024-2025 School Supplies

We expect our teachers and staff to KNOW our students by building positive and encouraging relationships. Our students KNOW that they are learning in a safe and secure environment.  Students also KNOW that we have high expectations and they can and will achieve greatness.  

We must all show LOVE, kindness, and compassion to others.  

We expect all students to GROW.  The faculty and staff at Shepard will nurture and cultivate growth in our students academically, socially, and emotionally.  


There is a scholar in us all.  We are life-long learners with great potential for life-long success.   Welcome to all of our Shepard Scholars where we...



The Mission of Kate Shepard Elementary School is to educate students with the essential skills necessary to graduate as prepared and productive citizens.

Home of the Shepard Scholars

Kate Shepard Elementary will become a premier educational campus where students engage in multiple learning opportunities leading to success in a global society.



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